Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Address Update

One more quick post for an address update. From now on, any mail can be sent to the following address:

Michelle Surdyk
Corps de la Paix
BP 75
San, Mali

I LOOOOVEE getting letters/postcards/cards, hint hint! And packages don't seem to be too expensive in San, plus none of the San PCVs has ever had a case of a missing package or stolen items. Score!


  1. I thought you were in Sourpatch. Or is it like San is the county? Or San is the only town with a post office?

  2. San is the city nearest to me. Mali doesn't have a postal system like the US; mail has to go to a post office, and San is the nearest post office to me.

  3. So then what happens? Someone goes to the Peace Corps headquarters and tells them about it? Or do you have to know and then you go to San every day and look for it?

  4. I just go to the Post Office anytime I'm already in San to see if there's anything for me. Or if another PCV sees a package for me, they'll tell me so I know to come in.
