Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Farewell Speech: Audio File

So after ridiculous amounts of hours and struggling with crappy Internet connections....literally-this was harder than loading the homestay video, since I had no idea what I was doing with this one...I finally managed to get an audio file loaded online! Yayy!!! Oh, the things you learn in Peace Corps. :) Shout-out to my favorite computer-techy friend, Alex Fitzthum for helping me with this endeavor. Major props and thanks for all of his time and effort to help me!

So why is this so exciting? I took a video of the Farewell Speech we gave to the village chief, council, and host dads (and some grannies) of Mountougoula at our Farewell Party before we left homestay. The audio file can be found here.

I'm including a transcription in Bambara, and also the translation in English. I'm the 3rd speaker.

An balima Muntugulakaw. Dugutigi n’a ka jama. Cε ni muso, demisεn ni mɔgɔkɔrɔba, aw ni wula. An tilenna hεrεla, Ala k’an si hεrεla. Bi, an bε dugutigi fε yan, basitε, Ala kan’akε basi ye.

Bamananw ko: “Fεn bεε n’a waati.” Barisa ni y’a kalo file ye, anw nana Muntugula. Sisan, anw segin waati sera.

Hakili jiginna, kabini anw nana yan, an ma fosi sɔrɔ ni banya tε. An ma kɔngɔ, an ma minɔgɔ, an ma nɔgɔ, Aw y’an nisimila ka ɲε. Aw ma dimi an kɔrɔ tile kelen.

A’y’anw ladon, k’an dεmε ka Mali laada caman don, I n’a fɔ: foli, dugawdon, ani ɲɔgɔn dεmε. Olu bεna an ka sigi ɲɔgɔya’an bolo. Mali yɔrɔ wεrεw la, san fila kɔnɔ.

Muntugulakaw, A’y’anw ladon I n’a fɔ an fa n’an baw. Ola ne ni n tɔ ɲɔgɔnw tɔgɔla, Corps de la Paix tɔgɔla, an b’aw bεε fo kɔsε bε aw ka ladon ko ɲuman na.

Ala k’aw sara! Ala k’an to ɲɔgɔn ye! Ala k’aw mεn an kɔrɔ! Ala ka hεrε fɔ’an kɔ! N’an bε ɲɔgɔnye, Ala k’a kε hεrε ye. Aw n ice Aw ka tulo majɔ la!

Our Mountougoula brothers and sisters. Village chief and his council. Men and women, young and old, good evening. We’ve had a peaceful day, may God grant a peaceful night. Today we are here with the village chief – May God make it peaceful.

The Bambara say, “Everything has its time.” Because we came to Mountougoula 2 months ago, now it’s time for us to leave.

We remember: since we came here, we only received respect. We weren’t hungry, we weren’t thirsty, we weren’t dirty; you welcomed us well. And you didn’t get angry even once!

You took care of us, you helped us learn Malian culture, such as greetings, blessings, and helping each other. These things will make our stay easier for us in other places in Mali for 2 years.

People of Mountougoula, you took care of us like our fathers and mothers. So on behalf of all of us, on behalf of Peace Corps, we thank you all very much for your good care.

May God reward you! May we keep a close friendship. May you live long. May we leave peace behind us here. If we see each other again, may God make it peaceful. Thank you for listening to us.